
How to spot Plagiocephaly?


What will happen if Plagiocephaly goes untreated?‏‏‎


Can SnugKap fix Plagiocephaly?

  • Protruding Forehead

  • Facial asymmetry

  • Protruding ear on the flat side of head

  • May be accompanied by torticollis

  • Ill fitting safety equipment, including sports helmets

  • Jaw misalignment resulting in a crossbite or underbite

  • Higher incidence of ear infections

  • Potential vision tracking problems depending on severity of headshape

  • Increased risk of scoliosis/ spine misalignment


Yes, the SnugKap Treatment can fix most cases of plagiocephaly. Contact the SnugKap Support Team to learn more about plagiocephaly today!